Important Import and Export Documents

The Doing Business Guide: How Diamond Office Operates

The actual processing of the imports and exports of all diamonds in Antwerp occurs at Diamond Office (DO). It is the core of Antwerp’s unique trade infrastructure, acting as a supervisory body for the Belgian government. It is the only customs office in Belgium where diamonds can and must be declared for import and export outside the EU. AWDC, the FPS Economy (Licensing) and the FPS Finance (Customs) collaborate to implement a triple control system at the DO. This triple control ensures that the Belgian diamond industry is not only the most controlled industry in Belgium, but also the most transparent from a global perspective.

For more information about Diamond Office and the requirements for properly importing and exporting diamonds, please refer to the links on the right.

Import and Export Documents

A guide endorsed by the supervising authority

This guide is inspired on the recommendations made in the ‘Risk analysis money laundering in the Belgian diamond sector (2017)’. It touches upon the anti-money laundering legislation, although this guide does not specifically deal with the obligations following from the anti-money laundering law. The latter are dealt with in the ‘Anti-money laundering policy for the Belgian diamond trader (2019)’ drafted by AWDC.


Import and Export Documents

Trissia Stavropoulos

Head of Compliance at AWDC

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Paul Vestraeten
Executive Director , Company name
Import and Export Documents
Import and Export Documents

Interesting downloads:

Template letter to request a bank account

Dutch version

Template letter to request a bank account

English version

Template letter to request a bank account

French version