How to Import and Export via Diamond Office?

In international trade, the European Union (EU) is treated as a single market with no internal borders between its member states. This setup enables the free movement of goods, services, people, and capital within the EU. As a result, once diamonds are imported into the EU, they can be traded freely among EU member states without any additional restrictions.


Documents of Import and Export of Diamonds - Diamond Office

Inventory of goods - how to avoid delays and fines - EN

Goedereninventaris, hoe boetes en vertragingen vermijden - NL

Notification export via e-mail/MyAWDC- EN

Brief export via e-mail/MyAWDC - NL

PDF Formulier Afhandeling export - NL

PDF Form Handling of export - EN

Declaration Dual Use - EN

Sales Conditions DO

Check potentiële valse KP certificaten - NL

Check potential fake KP certificates - EN

DO Service - Herverzegeling van Goederen - NL

DO Service - Resealing of Goods - EN

Bedrijfswijziging & EORI - NL

Company Change & EORI - EN

DO Import & Export Procedures (Updated March 2022) - EN

DO Import & Export Procedures (Update maart 2022) - NL

DO Praktische afhandeling van importen en exporten - NL

DO Practical Handling of Imports and Exports - EN

Aanpassing INTRASTAT 2019 - NL

Adjustment INTRASTAT 2019 - EN

DO Adjustments January 2016